
To witness lightning is to witness a god

To see the pure bolts of energy 

Crash into the horizon from the endless void of dark clouds is something akin to riding a roller coaster. 

The moment when everything stops

As you take in the beauty of the land around you,

Only to be flung down violently into the earth. 

That jolt of awe from the lightning disappears in a matter of seconds. 

Soon followed by the echoed booms of thunder. 

Bouncing off mountains and valleys, then reverberating inside your chest. 

At that moment we have two choices to make in the eyes of Mother Nature;

To leave her area of wrath and return to the safety of our homes and beds. 

Or stay, and witness this dance of heaven and earth, look upon the twists and turns of pure energy as cool pellets of water drip down until they become heavy and cold. 

But at least you witnessed a god.



New Day. Same shit. 

